We were so shocked that the plane now flew to a different airport and this was a very small jet, you were unable to stand up inside.
Once in 1999 we came from camp to the small internal airport in the bush through a thunder storm. We landed sideways, all the way from camp to airport this lady kept saying her hail Mary's. When we boarded the SA Flight to John'burg the take off was as frightening for us as the aircraft crew.
The river is just in front and watching for elephants is a daily occurence. Thankfully in August there aren't many nasty nippers around so arms could be uncovered.
The temperature on a morning and night is cold.
When you arrive, you unpack then its out on the landrover.
Our first meeting of the elephants on this trip. The little one at the front actually slipped and fell in the water, mam was soon there to help tug him out.
Sorry I was on video recorder and not on the camera so no picture of it.
Over the few times we have been in Africa we have been chased by Elephants, they look adorable but are so dangerous.
We followed this family for quite a few hours and were amazed when they started digging up the ground with tucks and front legs.
One little Elephant came out and trumpheted at us then ran to the safety of his mam.
We thought we were going to have a lucky few days as we saw this beautiful leopard on the first night. Unfortunately leopard's are becoming a hard find due to illegal hunting.
We tracked her for a while but lost her in the undergrowth.
As a child, after watching Born Free, I wanted to work with wild animals, instead I ended up working with accounts .. we can all dream.
Yes its a long way down for a drink. We visited this water hole every day in the hope of spotting lions but we were never disappointed as someone was always wanting a drink!
We have a photo of a lion with reflection somewhere in the house, only he has a buffalo in his mouth .. not very pleasant!
Most people hate hynea's but I fell for them when we first watched them as small pups in 1999. The would come upto the landrovers and bite the tyres. Once the tracker was sitting out on front and got his boots nibbled, Ken (the tracker) teased him with a branch and the pup had the time of its life. I felt like reaching over and stroking it.
We did catch a few adults this time .. Gary spotted this one as we were driving along the tracks.
Sundowners - Just before you freeze to death and have to wrap up well you stop for either a early drink or a warm coffee .. nothing like a B & C out in the bush
Nothing like watching lions. We have sat for many hours during the 3 safaris watching them in groups or individually. Once there was an Aunt with 10 juniors, ranging from 18 months to 3 months. He was one of two brothers who quite happily let us snap away.
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